Welcome to Rover Automation

PoC Factory

Proof of Concept Factory​

A Proof of Concept (PoC) serves as an initial version of a product, crafted to assess and validate the viability of a concept. These endeavors offer a low-risk and cost-effective means to provide a tangible demonstration of the technology, enabling the evaluation of its performance and garnering valuable insights through practical experience, interaction, and feedback. The outcomes of this stage furnish an opportunity for a well-informed assessment, guiding decisions on whether to proceed with development and outlining the necessary requirements and deliverables.

A streamlined approach to constructing a PoC is indispensable for mitigating risks associated with your investment and ensuring the success of your AI initiatives. A well-executed PoC is pivotal as it empowers you to:

Mitigate development risks by engaging in meticulous upfront planning, strategic decision-making, and conducting thorough, informed risk assessments.

Maintain ownership of intellectual property for any developments created by Rover Automation on your behalf.

Prevent excessive investment until the feasibility has been thoroughly validated.

Professional perspective on the optimal resolution to the issue.

A prevalent error often committed by companies is the decision to hire a solo data scientist to validate an AI Proof of Concept (PoC). Unfortunately, few data scientists possess the comprehensive set of engineering and DevOps skills essential for ensuring the success of a PoC. Additionally, those who do possess such skills often come with
prohibitively high recruitment costs.

Rover Automation’s adept team, comprising of data scientists, data engineers, frontend developers, backend developers, and DevOps Edits 2.0 4 engineers is well-equipped to confidently and cost-effectively build your PoC. Remarkably, the pricing aligns with the average cost of hiring a single data scientist, while providing a comprehensive PoC development team.

Rover Automation has assisted clients across diverse industries in constructing PoCs and validating their concepts. Instead of embarking on the challenges of assembling an in-house team, let Rover Automation demonstrate the viability and success of the solution, while also minimizing the risks associated with your investment.